
From the need for decentralization to POCT Solutions

The continuous evolution of the health system, accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic, requires increased attention and focus on a different hospitals’ organization and a new vision of territorial medicine. Increasingly, the accuracy of the diagnoses can also be determined by Point of Care Testing (POCT) instruments, i.e. decentralized analysis performed wherever a potential patient is in: clinics, doctors' offices, nursing homes, ambulances, pharmacies, laboratories, hospitals, intensive care, urgent care centers, home care and self-testing.

The overall objective of POCT solutions is therefore to improve the outcome of the patient in terms of quality, with efficiency and efficacy, optimizing diagnostic pathways and allowing for a more timely clinical decision, as well as facilitating monitoring and management of the disease, especially in emergency situations, in conditions of remote monitoring of the patient (telemedicine) or even in situations of clinical trials (for the follow-up of the patient and managing of chronicity pathologies).

A.Menarini Diagnostics offers a complete portfolio of POCT solutions, ideal for new contexts in the Extra-hospital, territorial fields, creating integrated systems with the Central Laboratory capable of guaranteeing the quality of the result and full traceability of all activities.

A. Menarini Diagnostics proposes innovatives solutions based on customer needs; such as cover the gap of disadvantaged areas, improuve efficency of the Lab., increase the outcome of the patient with a concrete answer in terms of products and services.

The data networks, the "Cloud" architecture is the basis of a fully connected system that sees the integration and interaction between clinicians, patients, analysis laboratory and hospital as essential for improving service and efficient management.


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Net Care 2.0


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4 values, which have given life to Menarini and shaped its history